The Scallop Fishery Management Plan was developed to manage the Alaska weathervane scallop fishery. Only four vessels are permitted under a license limitation program. In-season management of the fishery is provided by ADF&G in Kodiak.
The Scallop Plan Team supports Council decision-making by providing ongoing biological advice on scallops such as the overfishing level (OFL) and acceptable biological catch (ABC). Plan Team members include Council staff and personnel from the NMFS’ Regional Office, the Alaska Department of Fish and Game, and local universities. A Plan Team meeting is held annually, prior to Council’s April meeting, for the purpose of compiling a Stock Assessment and Fishery Evaluation (SAFE) report. The SAFE comprises the best available scientific information on the past, present, and possible future condition of the scallop stock, the economic condition of the scallop fishery, and an overview of associated ecosystem considerations and concerns. Current Membership
Staff contact is Diana Stram: 907-271-2806